Marine conservation in Hong Kong

Ban on trawling – the final hurdle

The ban on trawling in Hong Kong waters is reaching its final hurdle.



The coming schedule is:



11th May 2011  5月 11 日


Deadline for legislators to put in an amendment to the proposed legislation and to stop the ban becoming law.



18th May 2011 518

Vote in Legco to approve or reject the bill.  投票日



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Marine conservation in Hong Kong

替代生計研討會 Alternative livelihood workshop

「勃勃海洋」及「世界自然基金會」將於今年四月中及五月初聯合舉辦有關替代生計的研討會。 Living Seas and WWF are jointly organising an alternative livelihood workshop in mid April and early May 2011.   我們相信,禁止拖網捕魚最終會有助釋放本港近岸海域的所有潛能。香港可以利用漁民的現有技能,創造新的海洋相關經濟及工作機會。這些議題仍有待進一步深入探討。我們會邀請有相同見解的僱主出席研討會,探討實現這些機會的可能性,以及聽取他們支持這一計劃的意見。 We believe that the trawl ban will finally start to unlock the full potential of our coastal waters. There

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Marine conservation in Hong Kong

香港不要拖網捕漁! No More Trawling in Hong Kong!

上年十月特首在施政報告中,提到要立法禁止拖網捕漁以保護我們珍貴的海洋資源及生態,這絕對是一大喜訊. Living Seas Hong Kong (勃勃海洋)希望藉此機會讓公眾了解更多關於拖網捕漁對海洋生態所造成的禍害,以促使政府及立法會議員盡快立法,為我們的下一代留下一個生氣勃勃的海洋環 境. Please join the Facebook group 香港不要拖網捕漁!No more trawling in Hong Kong!   AND/Or please SIGN OUR PETITION EMAIL If you want an English version of this petition click here 中文版本,請按此 處 In the

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Marine conservation in Hong Kong

Dismayed by bluefin tuna record price


Sadly a beautiful Northern bluefin Tuna, weighing 342kg (that is a BIG fish), was sold today (5th January) for a record price of Y32,490,000 (around US$396,000). The buyer was an upmarket Tokyo sushi store and Hong Kong’s Taste of Japan group (one of it’s most popular brands is Itamae Sushi)


Guardian newspaper article and video



The Northern bluefin tuna is an endangered species that is the centre of an international feud over fishing quotas and finger pointing on who is to blame, efforts to set unsustainable quotas have been squashed by political wrangling and inaction. This particular specimen was caught using highly damaging long line fishing techniques.


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Marine conservation in Hong Kong

Return to Yan Chau Tong Marine Park


We returned to Yan Chau Tong Marine park on the 7th November 2010, with a group of 17 staff and friends from the US consulate in Hong Kong. Originally scheduled for the 23rd October, our plans had to be changed because of the imposing presence of Super Typhoon Megi.


Early November presented us with more typical Hong Kong autumn/winter weather and we had blue skies to match the fine scenery and company.


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Marine conservation in Hong Kong

Banning trawling in Hong Kong

Finally some good news, the Chief Executive, Donald Tsang, in his 2010-11 policy address has announced the following exciting news :

To protect our precious marine resources and ecology, we will implement a basket of management measures such as banning trawling in
Hong Kong waters through legislation in order to restore our seabed and marine resources as early as possible”


Trawler in Hong Kong's Southern waters
Damaging fishing trawlers could be a thing of the past

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