Marine conservation in Hong Kong

Banning of commercial fishing

Donald Tsang, the Hong Kong Chief Executive, announced in his policy address for 2009-2010 the plan to ban commercial fishing in Hong Kong’s four marine parks.  This slightly reworded announcement was a repeat of his policy address for the previous year.

As we have previously reported, the proposed legislative change has been discussed in the January 2009 meeting of the Legco Panel on Environmental Affairs.  The Panel met again on the 23rd November 2009, the background briefing papers can be found HERE

The ban will help to revitalise the marine environment in the parks and will help increase fish populations in the marine park area, eventually fish populations will increase in surrounding areas as well.  The proposal needs to include increase policing to stop illegal fishing activities in these areas.

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Marine life and species protection

Lessons from the recent humpback whale visit

The visit in early/mid March of a humpback whale was an amazing event, the first time that this internationally protected species has been reported in Hong Kong waters.  The whale was first spotted on the 16th March 2009, off his normal migratory route he traversed up and down the lamma channel for almost two weeks.   Hong Kongers were enthralled by this sudden visitor and many people took the opportunity to try to see the whale via a flotilla of boats.  


Breaching humpback, c/o OPCF                 Great interest from Hong Kongers

The visitor provoked a lot of interest with the Hong Kong public, photos OPCF


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