Marine conservation in Hong Kong Sustainable seafood

Sink or swim : Fisheries cerification

In an article from the SCMP published on the 25th October 2007, Shelly Clarke argues that Hong Kong can take a lead in Asia by supporting a certification scheme to save world fish stocks.  She argues that Hong Kong has a huge footprint on fish stocks in enormous for its size, has profited hugely and should take a lead to promote Marine Stewartship Council (“MSC”) certified products in Hong Kong and to support soundly managed marine resources.

At the moment the only known places to purchase MSC certified products in Hong Kong are at the 360 supermarket in the Landmark, Central and at the Dot Cod restaurant, also in Central.

However we can all take more responsibility to understand where seafood comes from and to choose responsibly caught or farmed produce.  The Seafood guides from WWF are a good source for this information.

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