[su_row][su_column size=”1/2″][/su_column] [su_column size=”1/2″]Living Seas Hong Kong is happy to have had a very successful cleanup event on the 19th October. We had a total of 44 volunteers, and we managed to cleanup a total of 670kgs of trash. What
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Volunteers needed – Beach and underwater cleanup on 19th Oct
[su_row][su_column size=”1/2″][/su_column] [su_column size=”1/2″]Living Seas is organising a beach and underwater cleanup on the 19th October, this event is part of the annual Hong Kong Coastal Cleanup We are returning to Bayside Beach, Clearwater Bay, a nice bay, with good
Read moreLiving Seas Hong Kong at Reef check 2014
On the 27thJuly, Living Seas Hong Kong participated in ReefCheck 2014, here is a quick report of our day out. [su_row][su_column size=”1/2″] [/su_column] [su_column size=”1/2″] We departed Wong Shek Pier, at 9:30am heading for two dives sites,
Read moreWorld Oceans day event : beach and underwater cleanup
To celebrate World Oceans Day 2014, Living Seas Hong Kong is organising a beach and underwater cleanup at our “adopted beach” Bayside Beach, Clearwater Bay. Bayside is a nice, small bay, with good coral coverage but does suffer from
Read moreThreat to Hoi Ha Wan continues
[su_column] [/su_column] The threat to Hoi Ha Wan continues, the Outline Zoning Plan now in place for Hoi Ha, sets aside a large area for village development. A large piece of land that has been bought by property development. This
Read moreICC: Beach and underwater cleanup
On the 20th October, Living Seas organised another underwater cleanup and beach cleanup at Bayside beach, Clearwater Bay. This was organised as part of the Hong Kong and International Coastal Clean-up. As a reminder this bay, is a great location for
Read more步走救海下Walk to Save Hoi Ha
Hope that everyone that cares will come along to the walk to save Hoi Ha on the 14th October. Organised by ”Save Our Country Parks” and “Friends of Hoi Ha”, click on the following image to get more information from Facebook.
Read moreHong Kong Talk Ocean : First Gathering
The first gathering for “Talk Ocean” will be held on Monday 7th October @ HKU. The aim of the group is to discuss and raise awareness of marine conservation issues in Hong Kong, aimed at anyone interested in Marine life
Read moreHoi Ha Wan marine park is under direct threat
The threat to Hong Kong’s country parks that is making news at the moment is of direct concern to lovers of Hong Kong’s marine life and marine parks. Living Seas Hong Kong is concerned; we all should be, about the
Read moreUnderwater and beach cleanup World Ocean Day
On the 8th June 2013, Living Seas organised an underwater and beach-cleanup at Bayside beach, Clearwater Bay. We had 40 people who came along. Shelters were setup and lunch provided. A successful day with about 200kgs of rubbish collected. Have
Read more禁止拖網捕魚的法例於2012年12月31日正式生效 Trawling ban to start on 31st Dec
香港水域禁止拖網捕魚的法例已於2012年12月31日正式生效。這意味着從該日起,本港水域內一切拖網捕魚作業(包括雙拖、單拖、蝦拖、摻繒和梅蝦拖)均在禁止之列。 The trawling ban in Hong Kong’s water comes into effect on the 31st Dec 2013. As a reminder this means that all forms of trawling (pair, stern, shrimp, hang and silver shrimp trawling) will be banned. 典型的香港拖網魚船。這是一艘單拖魚船,它利用一個大網在海洋中層拖行撈捕。這種無選擇及極度破壞性的捕魚方式,已從2012年12月31日起被禁止了。 An
Read moreReview of Dec 16th underwater clean-up
2012年12月16日,「勃勃海洋」在西貢進行了一次海底清潔活動。我們探訪了大癩痢和吊鐘洲等兩處潛水地點。On the 16th December Living Seas Hong Kong conducted an underwater clean-up in Sai Kung, we visited two dives sites at Trio Island and Jin Island. 這次潛水活動的主要目的,是對有關地點進行勘察,清理發現的垃圾,以及進一步改善我們的海底清理技巧。在這次潛水活動中,我們發現了被廢棄的魚網、魚勾、魚絲以及其他各種垃圾,包括空罐及玻璃瓶等等。The primary aim of the dives was to survey the two sites,
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