The killing of two Whale Sharks in June 2008 should never have happened. This tragic event has highlighted the lack of protection for marine species in Hong Kong waters. Did you know that marine fish and marine invertebrates are specifically EXCLUDED from protection under Hong Kong legislation. This has to change.

Slaughtered whale shark, Hainan. Is this what we want in Hong Kong? Photo : Charles Frew, Asiatic Marine
The Hong Kong government is been tight lipped on this serious issue. We need action and help from the whole community to make some real change. Â
Living Seas Hong Kong needs your support on this cause.  We kindly ask that letters be written to the Chief Executive, EPD, AFCD, to your local district councilors, phone into radio shows, talk to the media. Do whatever you think is necessary but let’s do it now before we have another tragedy on our hands.
Living Seas Hong Kong will be posting our plans and progress on this webpage. Please tell us your thoughts and tell us your plans and successes via the comment section below. By working together we can achieve real change.