Fisheries and fisheries policy International marine conservation Marine Parks and Protected Areas

UK: Lundy island – Do fishing no-take zones work?

Reports from the BBC highlight the recent findings from the Lundy no-take zone.


The zone was set up in 2003 and is being monitored by a team of professional scientists who, over a five-year study period, are looking into the effects of the zone on the habitats and species it is designed to protect.  The no-take zone is small covering a total area of 4 km(Note: Hong Kong’s only no-take marine reserve is 20 hectares or 0.07km2)


The latest results show that there has been a significant increase in populations of lobsters and crabs and that increasing number of juveniles are seen outside the protected area.  It is envisaged that in a year or two these will be of harvestable size for the local fishermen.


BBC audio report can be found by clicking on the following:


Ban boosts Lundy sea species


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