Fisheries and fisheries policy International marine conservation

UK Marine Bill offers new protection

On the 3rd April 2008 the UK Environment Secretary laid out a plan for the setup of a network of marine conservation zones around the British coastline.  The Marine Conservations Zones (MCZ) will have a varying degree of protection from retriction on certain types of activities to “Highly Protected Marine Reserves”.


This network will link into the European “Special Areas of Conservation” and “Special Areas or Protection”.  The two existing Marine Reserves in the UK (Lundy and Skomer) will be converted in MCZ’s.


Some of the key areas of the legislation include

  1. The setup of a Marine Management Organisation which will be a centre of expertise in marine management and will deliver on the objectives of the bill.
  2. Marine Planning.  Strategic marine planning with the aim of clarifying marine objectives and priorities.
  3. Marine Licensing.  Provide the vital link between planning and enforcement.
  4. Marine Nature Conservation.  Introduction of new tools for conservation.
  5. Fisheries Management and marin enforcement.  Strengthen fisheries and environment management.
  6. Environmental Data and information.  Provision of sound evidence for making informed policy and management decision.


I wonder whether the  UK Marine Bill can be  adapted to local requirements to fill in the obvious gaps in the protection and management of Hong Kong’s fisheries and in the conservation of marine habitates and species.  Thoughts or comments welcome…?


More details on the UK Marine Bill can be found at the following website.

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