Fisheries and fisheries policy Marine conservation in Hong Kong

Sustainable fisheries proposals release by the press


Articles have appeared in the South China Morning Post on Thursday 4th September with regards to the imminent release of initial proposals from the “Committee on sustainable fisheries” .. this is a group which was


“set up in December 2006 to study the long term goals and directions as well as feasible options and implementation strategy for the sustainable development of fisheries industry, with regard to fisheries trends, ecological sustainability, economic viability and other relevant factors, such as financial implications and social impact. The Department chairs and services the Committee. Initial discussions were held during the report period. The Committee is expected to deliver a report in the latter half of 2008″  Source:  AFCD


The broad outline of the articles point out the initial proposals from the Committee which includes:

  1. The need for sustainable levels of fishing which is stated as 30% overfished.Â
  2. Banning of all trawling in Hong Kong through buying out of trawl fishermen.
  3. Providing re-education and alternative employment opportunities for affected fishing folk.
  4. Setup of fisheries protection areas and no-take zones.


Living Seas Hong Kong, as well as other Green groups will attend a detailed presentation and consultation on the 12th September.  The proposals look promising and we will report further on the details and our thoughts, very soon. Â


Please come back and watch for the details to come.


The SCMP article can be found Click HERE

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