Marine conservation in Hong Kong

Sample letter to Edward Yau


Dear Mr Edward Yau


I am writing to you to voice my concern about the tragedy around the capture and death of a young Whale Shark in Hong Kong waters on the 6th June 2008.


The whale shark is an internationally protected species listed on CITES and CMS conventions.


I am shocked to learn however that in Hong Kong whale sharks are not offered any protection under either the “Wild Animals Protection Ordinance” nor the “Protection of endangered species of animals and plants ordinance” and that there is no consequences for the killing of this wonderful animal.   In many parts of the world the whale shark is protected and brings in thousands of domestic and international tourists, the current situation is a huge missed potential opportunity for Hong Kong tourism, recreation and education.Â


I call on the government to quickly implement meaningful changes to ensure that whale sharks are fully protected in Hong Kong waters.


We look forward to hearing positive news of real protection to come out of this tragic event.


Yours sincerely

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