Mission Statement 我們的使命

本 “小組” 是由一群熱心市民組成的非牟利社區機構, 迫切期望在本土發展及實行策略性海洋保育項目及政策﹐改善香港的獨特海洋生態系統﹐以利於本地長遠的休閒、商業及環境發展。


  1. 香港海洋生態受到破壞
  2. 政府缺乏保護香港海洋生物的政策或有關法例
  3. 填海、傾倒廢料和開放式渠道, 以及香港捕漁業的非法作業﹐嚴重威脅本港海洋生態
  4. 香港人食用海鮮的數量已到達無法持續的情況

本小組是一個非政治組織﹐目標是尋求與所有官方和非官方的個體和團體合作建立互信的工作關係, 以便小組的目標得以早日實現。



  • 在香港設立和管理禁捕區﹐從而有助恢復及維持健康的海洋生態。
  • 與利益相關者合作, 以期獲得實用的解決方法
  • 尋求社區的支持以建立更全面的海洋保育工作
  • 在本地社區推廣關於香港海洋環境獨特性和活力的教育活動
  • 與立法和政府管治機構合作,探討實施有關政策及立法, 以保護和維持在香港水域生長的海洋生物


LivingSeas Hong Kong is a Hong Kong based not-for-profit community organisation comprised of concerned residents who are urgently seeking the implementation of strategic local marine protection programs and policies aimed at revitalizing Hong Kong’s unique marine ecosystem. We wish to see a framework of policies and programs to ensure the long-term recreational, commercial and environmental vitality of this important resource.


Particular concerns

  1. Decimation of Hong Kong’s marine life.
  2. Lack of a cohesive government policy or legislation that adequately protects marine life in Hong Kong.
  3. Destruction of marine habitats through reclamation projects, sewage/open drain discharge and the untenable practises of Hong Kong’s fishing industry.
  4. Hong Kong consumption of seafood is unsustainable.

Living Seas Hong Kong is apolitical and seeks to co-operate and develop a trusting working relationship with all individuals and bodies, official and unofficial, to further the objectives of the group.


Focus of the group

  • The setup and management of No Take Marine Reserves in Hong Kong that will aid in the recovery and ongoing health of marine life.
  • Working with stakeholders to achieve practical solutions.
  • Solicit support from the local community to establish better marine conservation.
  • Furthering the education of the local community on the uniqueness and potential vibrancy of Hong Kong’s Marine Environment.
  • Work with legislative groups and governing bodies to put together the policies and legislation to protect and sustain marine life in HK waters.
  • Providing a platform for the local community to take action