Marine life and species protection

Humpback whale found in the Lamma channel

Photo from wikipedia


Exciting news is the discovery in the Lamma channel of a humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) cruising the lamma channel.  News reports indicate that the whale, a ten metre specimen was probably heading up the coast towards artic waters and just got a little lost.  The humpback whale is a cetacean that is known to migrate upto 25,000 kms, this is the first record of a humpback whale in Hong Kong waters.

In Hong Kong waters the whale will face threats from the heavy ship traffic and potential entanglement in fishing nets.  This is a worrying situation for this whale and we are all hoping that it will manage to head out to open seas very quickly.

Report from the SCMP can be found HERE


All cetaceans are protected under the Wild Animals Protection Ordinance unlike most other species of marine animals found in our waters.  Living Seas Hong Kong is working towards getting full protection for all endangered and important marine species.

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