Marine conservation in Hong Kong

海底清潔活動 – 2012年12月16日 Underwater clean-up Dec 16th, 2012


Living Seas Hong Kong has conducted underwater clean-ups in locations such as Tung Ping Chau,  underwater clean-up needs to be conducted with care, to avoid causing damage, and we are aiming to expand our efforts in 2013.



A few core members of Living Seas Hong Kong will be be going diving on the 16th December, with the aim of conducting an underwater clean-up, around Trio Island in Clearwater Bay (you can find it here on Google maps) and to refine our existing underwater cleanup approach.  If you are interested to join us, please send us an email and we can help register you on the dive boat.



We can promise you a fun and educational day out, we love talking about marine conservation and marine life.


活動詳情   DETAILS

  • 日期:2012年12月16日    
    Date: 16th Dec 2012
  • 地點:視乎情况,計劃於大癩痢(清水灣郊野公園對開海域)舉行
    Place: Planned around Trio Island, depending on conditions (off Clear Water Bay Country Park)
  • 時間:上午8時30分至下午4時30分
    Time: 8:30am to 4:30pm
  • 詳情:我們將乘搭一艘本地的潛水專用船出海,船上還有其他進行潛水訓練或休閒潛水活動的人士
    Details:  We will go on a local dive boat with other divers who are conducting training or other fun diving activities.


Please contact us by Wed 12th Dec  on the following email address:

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