Marine conservation in Hong Kong

Hiking event to Yan Chau Tong

On the 21st March, 2009, Living Seas Hong Kong organized a one-day hiking event and hiked along the Wu Kau Tang Hiking Trails (Double Haven, Plover Cove Country Park). We had a fairly large group on that day – sixteen of us (core members and friends of Living Seas), started from the junction of Wu Kau Tang, arrived Sam A Tsuen at noon for a short lunch, continued our way to Lai Chi Wo and took a return route back to Wu Kau Tang as ending point.  After lunch, when we arrived Lai Chi Wo (part of the Yan Chau Tong Marine Park area), one of our core members, Jeffrey, braved the cold weather and headed for a brief snorkel in the marine reserve, weaving through the mangroves along the shores and saw schools of Bengal Sergeant fish hovering over the hard corals and oyster beds as well as crabs crawling out of their hiding places to swim between the rocks. 

Lai Chi Wo

It was a pleasant hike and most of the friends who came to the hike felt that they had enhanced their knowledge on Hong Kong marine reserves and conservation issues. You can find more photos of the trip on our website as well as our facebook page.  Please check back off often to find out about our future hiking events to this and other marine protected areas in Hong Kong.



在2009年3月21日,勃勃海洋在烏蛟騰郊遊徑(位於船灣郊野公園印洲塘)舉辦了遠足活動,參加者達十六人(勃勃海洋主要成員及其親友)。我們從烏蛟騰的交匯處起步,於中午抵達三椏村用膳,然後下午在荔枝窩折返烏蛟騰結束旅程。在荔枝窩(位處印洲塘海岸公園)時,我們其中一位主要成員 Jeffrey 無懼寒冷天氣,在海岸公園稍作浮潛。迂迴地穿過岸邊的紅樹林後,他看到石剎婆(Bengal Sergeant)魚群在石珊瑚和蠔養殖場中漫游,還有蟹從洞中爬出,在石頭間遊蕩。

整個旅程令人快意,許多參加的朋友也覺得對香港海洋生態和保育加深了認識。活動的照片已上載到網頁和 facebook。如想知道更多未來遠足活動的安排,緊記多點光臨本網頁。

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