Marine Parks and Protected Areas

Commercial fishing to be banned in marine parks

The Policy Agenda states:

We will….

Ban commercial fishing in marine parks. The ban will improve ecosystems in marine parks and offer better protection for marine organisms.”

Source :  page 29, paragraph 3.

This is a great announcement and hopefully the start of an increasing emphasis on marine conservation efforts. What this means is that the current licenses given to commercial fishermen to allow them to fish in these areas will be purchased.  Fishing will continue in the marine parks by local ‘indigenous villagers’, who should not use nets.

Living Seas is very supportive of this step, we also believe the following measures are needed in the marine parks:

  1. Demarcate areas where local villagers are allowed to fish.  This should be away from the ARs installed by the government’s Artificial Reef Project and sensitive ecosystems, such as the Ho Ha Wan coral beach.
  2. Setup of extensive areas within the marine parks that are completely no-take.
  3. Ensure local villager involvement in the management of the parks.  Local villagers must be incentivised to get actively involved and benefit from the marine park setup. This will help to ensure the success of the revitalisation and conservation of the marine parks.

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