The Town Planning Board (TPB) of the HKSAR government will be discussing the Baroque on Lamma 南丫島博寮港 project on Friday 2nd December 2011. |
We have put together an email list that contains all of the Official members of the TPB and some of the unofficial members.
We would like as many people as possible to send in objections directly to the members. The following list of email addresses can be copied and pasted into your email “TO:” or “BCC:”
adep@epd.gov.hk, adnt@landsd.gov.hk, andy_sf_chan@had.gov.hk , bhpksl@cityu.edu.hk, bscmhui@polyu.edu.hk , bsedchan@polyu.edu.hk, ddep@epd.gov.hk, ddg@landsd.gov.hk, dds@landsd.gov.hk, dep@epd.gov.hk, DLoffice@landsd.gov.hk , dorafu@had.gov.hk, drwkyau@gmail.com, ds1@thb.gov.hk, eric_ks_hui@had.gov.hk, get_in_touch@livingseas.hk, helenatai@thb.gov.hk , hhecwsc@hku.hk, hmwong@epd.gov.hk , jcfleung@pland.gov.hk, jcl@fong-on.com.hk, jjcchan@had.gov.hk, kenwong@epd.gov.hk, landelit@netvigator.com, mimilee@had.gov.hk , oyswong@pland.gov.hk , pamela_tan@had.gov.hk, pspl@devb.gov.hk, puaypengho@cuhk.edu.hk
A suggested content for the email to send could be:
Dear Town Planning Board member
With reference to application Y/I-LI/1.
I am writing to you to implore you to reject the application by Agile Property holding and King Wong Development to develop the beautiful South Lamma area into a huge luxury property development.
South Lamma is a countryside area that is for all Hong Kong people not for a luxury marina and property development. The area is known not to be suitable for boating, with strong winds currents and the busiest shipping channel in Hong Kong. It is home to protected species, indigenous to Hong Kong. This development would alienate a large area of public land and seabed in an area recognized and enjoyed by the public for its conservation values, without any road or public transport access.
Hong Kong has ample man made shorelines with road access, good public transport, but which are entirely devoid of facilities supporting marine based leisure and water sports. Development of marine and waters sports facilities should be restricted to areas without wider intrinsic value and away from conservation areas, important to internationally protected species, such as Romer’s Tree Frog and the Green Sea turtle.
Please reject application Y/I-LI/1. Hong Kong is a better place with South Lamma remaining as it is.”