Marine conservation in Hong Kong

Ban on trawling – the final hurdle



The latest intelligence we have is that offshore trawlers are actively lobbying legislators and that some legislators are swayed by this campaigning.  OUR CAMPAIGN IS NOT YET SUCCESSFUL AND WE NEED EVERYONE’S SUPPORT AT THIS IMPORTANT JUNCTURE. 根據我們的消息, 離岸作業的拖網漁民正努力向立法會議員遊說, 並有議員已改為支持他們. 我們的行動並未成功, 在這關鍵時刻更需要大家全力支持!


It is imperative that all Hong Kongers write to their legislators before the 11th May to show their support for the trawling ban.  We suggest that you send an email to legislators to show your support and to urge them to vote YES for the trawling ban.  我們呼籲所有香港人在511日之前, 寫信給他們的議員, 要求對議案投支持票


We suggest you follow these steps:  以下為建議步驟

  1. Look at the following website ( to find the names of the relevant legislator for where you live or the industry you work in.   從以下連結 (找出你的地區或功能組別議員


  2. Click on the names of the relevant legislators to get their contact email address.  Please note that there can be multiple legislators for a geographical constituency. 按下相關議員的名字後會出現他們的電郵地址. 請注意一個直選地區可能有多於一個直選議員


  3. Copy and paste the suggested email below into your email program (such as Outlook, or Gmail etc)  複製電郵地址然後貼到下面的電郵範本


  4. Personalise the email, such as where you live, where you work etc.   加上你的個人資料, 例如住址, 工作等


  5. Send the email to the legislators, please also email   發出電郵至相關議員及我們


Thank you    謝謝


Dear XXX

I am resident of Hong Kong and currently live in  _ _ _ _ _ _.


I support the government’s proposal to ban all trawling in Hong Kong’s seas. It is long overdue, fish stocks in Hong Kong are depleted and our seas are a valuable recreational resource that has long been abused and ignored.


I understand that some fishermen are objecting to this ban, I do understand and empathize with their concerns for their future.


However I know of many organisations that operate marine related businesses and are currently actively looking for experienced boat people and I am sure that a revitalized sea will bring a whole suite of opportunities to everyone in HK including fishermen. I am confident that affected fishermen will have alternative livelihood opportunities in the near future.


The trawling ban is about ensuring that Hong Kong’s seas are vibrant for the long term survival of the fisheries sector and for the whole community.


I am writing to urge you to vote for the ban on trawling in HK on the 18th May.



尊敬的 XXX 議員︰


本人是香港居民,現時居住於 _________













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