Marine conservation in Hong Kong

第二次替代生計研討會成功舉行 SUCCESS – Alternative livelihood phase II workshop

Phase two group, intently listening

Group intently listening

Lego representative Wong Yung Kan

Hon Wong Yung Kan

LSHK Founding member Jeffrey Lee opening remarks

LSHK’s Jeffrey Lee

LSHK Chairman Dod asking a question

LSHK’s Dod O’Dwyer



On the 28th July 2011 Living Seas Hong Kong and WWF Hong Kong organized a second alternative livelihood workshop for fishermen in Hong Kong.



This workshop was aimed to get perspectives from the fishing community to alternative livelihoods options after the trawling ban comes into place.   Also importantly we invited representatives from various marine related businesses to present their ideas and thoughts about further development in the marine sector.   Representatives came from :


  1. Recreational diving 
  2. Marine eco tourism
  3. Aquaculture
  4. Shipping
  5. Recreational fishing
  6. Marinas


出席者還包括立法會議員(漁農界)黃容根先生、香港漁民團體聯會副主席何俊賢先生及區議員Paul Zimmerman先生等。

Also in attendance was Hon Wong Yung Kan (Legco rep for Agriculture and Fisheries), Stephen Ho (Vice Chair – Hong Kong Fishermen Consortium) and Paul Zimmerman (District Councillor)



The 3.5 hour workshop was an open discussion where different representatives of the community were able to voice their perspectives openly.   All attendees were positive with many different ideas voiced.   The final conclusion was a list of prioritized preferences and follow-up action points, for the government and other agencies, as well as a strong plead to continue to work together.  We intend to present these to the government authorities soon.



The workshop hugely exceeded our expectations and is a very positive step toward a community wide effort to not only secure fishermen’s ongoing livelihood options but also to ensure that the ban on trawling achieves the maximum potential benefit for the whole of Hong Kong.


Onwards and upwards….


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