International marine conservation Marine life and species protection

11 sharks and rays newly listed on the IUCN redlist

The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has released the details of a first study into the status of 21 pelagic (open sea) sharks and rays.  Unfortunately 11 have been found to be in danger of extinction.


Whitetip reef sharks

Whitetip reef sharks, are not listed as threatened…. yet


The report lists the following recommendations for governments.


  1. Establish and enforce science-based catch limits for sharks and rays
  2. Ensure an end to shark finning (removing fins and discarding bodies at sea)
  3. Improve the monitoring of fisheries taking sharks and rays
  4. Invest in shark and ray research and population assessment
  5. Minimize incidental catch (‘by-catch) of sharks and rays
  6. Cooperate with other countries to conserve shared populations


Full story can be found HERE


Everyone can also help by ensuring that they do not consume sharksfin soup, the major cause of the species decline.

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